Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Updating The Beginning

Alright, So far, the measurements and my weight have been taken. So heres the start of this journey. The video blog will be up later on as well as the rest of the items I plan to include in my blog.
First Weigh In: 307
That's not bad for where I thought I would be, but it's not where I wanted to be at all before Blogger.
So that is a little disappointing, though whatever I choose for my prom dress will most likely look amazing on me. :]
If I get a blue dress then my boyfriend is going to wear a firefighter uniform. Although, I'd much rather he wear a tuxedo since we already discussed that if we got married he could wear jeans and a polo shirt if he wore a tux to prom. But Im not sure that it will go as planned. Who knows. :P Blah! Babysitting for now since my boyfriend just had to run off to a fire call.
Enjoy the rest of the day/night!
Yours Truly,


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